Drug charges in Canada refer to various offences related to the possession, production, distribution, or trafficking of illegal or controlled substances. These charges are governed primarily by the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). Here, we’ll explore the different types of drug offences in Canada; what to do if you are under investigation or charged with drug charges; how to defend drug charges; and the relevant sentencing considerations should you be found guilty.
In the CDSA, drugs are classified in Schedules. These schedules categorize drugs based on their seriousness (danger to health, public interest in preventing their spread), and guide the provisions of the CDSA in determining sentencing ranges. In addition to drugs, the schedules also ban certain precursors for drug production.

How can our firm help?
Lakin Afolabi Law is a multilingual, highly-experienced firm that has successfully defended drug charges for over a decade. At our firm, we take a uniquely human approach to law. When we sit down to determine a strategy to help you, you play an active role in guiding and telling us about your wishes. We know the law and you know the facts. Together, we can help win your case. Call us today for a consultation.